Saturday, March 1, 2014

Living with the Himalayan Masters !

Living with the Himalayan Masters !

I want to share an amazing book , Living with the Himalayan Masters by Swami Rama .
Here is a book that is no ordinary book ! Again , as I have been sharing some of my old books , this was also read again and again for the past 30 years !
In fact , I will not call it reading ! It is more of listening ! The great sage is sharing his life journey that is so wonderful , unique , moving and profound . 
As , Swami Rama relates his life story , we realise that we are indeed sitting at the feet of a most unique person , if I can call him that ! 
From the very birth of this unique character , which is as unique as it can be , Swami Rama is really a Spiritual Being who came to Earth to share his spiritual wisdom for humanity . He has such an amazing and compelling story to share that it looks like a fairy tale or even fiction ! 
I read it so many times and then had to make a choice . My choice was , either I believe the story completely or just throw the book away as trash ! That is it !
If it is true , then I have to shift my views about everything ! It is a paradigm shift !
Fortunately for me , I choose to really believe it !
You have to read to see what I am saying .
This amazing Swami shares how he went meeting other sages in the Himalayas who are teaching him and showing what Yoga and the hidden secrets of the real science of the mind , consciousness is all about . It is just out of this world !
The teachings and demonstrations shown are mind boggling ! Nature is performing as though it is always conscious ! Yogis doing their alchemy out of nothing . Stones, rocks turning into food !
Dead bodies arising and living bodies dying !
Matter just disappearing into energy and then coming back to matter !
Swami Rama,'s journey to USA to share the wonders of mind control and how to understand the mystery of Biofeedback ! He worked with top scientist in USA in mind stuff and went on to start an amazing institute in Honesdale , Pennsylvania , USA .
The Himalayan International Institute of Yoga ,Science and Philosophy .
Do I need to say more !
Just go read if spirituality , Science and Yoga means something to you .
I simply love this wonderful sage .
Take care. Love.
Till we meet again .