Saturday, January 18, 2014

How I found Freedom in an Unfree World !

How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World !

Today , I am going to review another book that I read about 40 years ago ! I not only read this book so many times since than , but it also had such an impact on my life and thinking !
This wonderful book , How I found Freedom in an Unfree World is written by Harry Browne .
It is a book that will take you to first  to make you understand that how you got yourself into such a mess by getting so many traps or boxes .
It tells you why you are not free . The countless traps that we get into . We are trapped into the identity trap , the morality trap , the intellectual and emotional trap , the unselfish trap , the group trap , the government trap , the rights trap , the despair trap and so many others .
After the author explains why we are not free , he than goes to explain how to be free from all this traps .
Freedom from Government , freedom from social restrictions ,  freedom from bad relationships , freedom from insecurity , freedom from family and a host of others .
Than he goes on to take you to see how you can move towards a new life .
I can tell you that this  book is  really worth its weight in in whatever you value .
At the end you can come to understand how we get so messed om our lives . 
We do it to ourselves ! Unknowingly , we take upon ourselves so much of stuff that does not belong to us .
We have to always be vigilant in life .
So , my friends , go search about this wonderful man , Harry Browne and see what a great person he was ! I love him and owe so much to him . 
Till we meet again , take care .

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