Saturday, January 4, 2014

Siddharttha , a book authored by Hermann Hesse .

Siddhartha , a book written by Hermann Hesse .

Today I like to express my feelings about a little book that I first read in 1968 ! While walking the streets of Poona ( Pune ) , in India , I saw this wonderful book lying among many books that were labelled as used/secondhand books ! The book belonged to a person from Quebec , Canada !
Even than I picked the book up with  reverence and love ! Even today , after 46 years , I touch this book with utmost love !
Hermann Hesse , A Nobel Price winner wrote many wonderful books that are really worth a read. His writings are about the thin line where the mystical and real are merging into a blurring reality . I can only read the translated versions of his beautiful books . They must be so wonderful in German !
This book , Siddhartha is a rare kind of book because it has a strange way of not leaving you once you have picked it ! It becomes a lifelong love story ! It keeps expanding within you and the roots keep growing deep into your very essence of being !
It's a simple story of our search to understand the meaning or ultimate answer to the mystery of being here on earth ! The story is woven during the times of Buddha ! The Awakened One is already preaching his Nobel Path. Siddhartha , the main character is a youngster who is earnestly wanting to understand the enigma of man's role here on earth. He is not satisfied with just being a Brahmin following rituals and traditions . He begs his parents to let him go into the world to search the answers to the mystery of life . A good and close friend too joins him ( Govinda is his name ).
The beautiful journey takes Siddhartha through a tortuous path that carries him through the many ways of the world. He , like the Buddha , wants to find the reality or truth his way ! It's worth reading to see the many experiences that Siddhartha had to go in life to slowly but ultimately find the answer to his quest .
The self - knowledge that he attains is so wonderfully simple and comforting !
It's a gentle book that can easily be read in a single night ! I must have read it a dozen or more times !
I actually always see myself walking the same path that Siddhartha walked !
Read it and you will know what I mean !
Oh, before I take my leave , there was a movie made in the early 70's ! It's also worth watching the movie .
Til we meet again . Amar/ Dr Dhali.


  1. Ah, yes. This book is on my book list. I initially began reading it 2 years ago without understanding...after reading a couple pages Thank you for the review and reminder.I will pick it up again this year as I feel it is the appropriate time fir understanding.

    1. Thank you Blaringly Blunt for your comments . Yes , I am glad that you are going to read this wonderful book ! Please do , and let me know how you felt about the book ? Amar.
